Sunday, December 4, 2011

lesson plans, dec 4, morning beginners, by Justine

Lesson Plans:  Dec. 4-8, 2011
·         GRAMMAR THEME:  past tense (Mon :  regular past tense; doubling letters/changing Y-> I)(Tues:  irregular past tense)

·         VOCAB THEME: medical emergencies/emergencies/natural disasters (O.P.D. pp. 74-75)—Wed./Thurs.

·         SKILL:  call 9-1-1 (explain emergencies; give name/location) (Wed./Thurs?)

Monday: regular past tense (spelling rules: double letters/ y -> i+ed)

1.       Write the word in the past tense.
Ex:  MyLe _______ to school this morning (WALK).
Ex:  Dawood ________ Ed’s car on Friday. (FIX)

2.       Read the sentence.  Look at the list:  choose the correct word.  Write the word in the space.  (I’m not completely sure which words I will use yet:  I will come up with a definite list and post them by Monday.)

Ex:  A man __________ a bank yesterday. (answer:  robbed)

3.       Speaking/listening: 
Speaking ‘hot potato’:  in a circle/small group, students will practice the following conversation structure.  We will use the verbs that we cover in class.
Did you ________ yet?  Yes, I did.  I _______ this morning.
Yes, I did.  I _____ yesterday (last night, last week, etc.).

4.       Listening (extra):  Listen to the story.  Write down the past-tense verbs.

Tuesday:  irregular past tense

1.        Write the verb in the past tense.
Ex:  Nagat ______ down yesterday.  (FALL)
Ex:  Junuka ____________ last weekend.  (GET LOST)

2.       Read the sentence.  Circle the verb.  Draw a line to the same verb in the past tense.  (The past-tense equivalents will be in a list on the right.)
3.       Speaking/listening:  Repeat the speaking “hot potato” game from Monday.  Now, use irregular past-tense verbs.
4.       Listen to the song.   What past-tense verbs do you hear? (I may change my mind, but I think the song “New Soul” by Yael Naim would be good.  It uses simple language and has irregular past tense examples:  came…felt, etc.)
For this activity, I would like to make a copy of the chorus for the students.  I will leave the past tense verbs as blank spaces.  The students must listen to the song and try to fill in the blanks.
5.        Listening/speaking:  “puppet charades” 
Try to make a short story about a person in the class.  (Each student will add one past-tense sentence to the story, one at a time.)  The ‘main character’ must ‘act out’ the story as they hear it.

Wednesday:  emergencies

Vocab:  emergencies/natural disasters (pp. 74-75  beginner’s O.P.D.)
1.)    Writing: Look at the picture.  What happened?  (Answers will vary, but should use the correct vocabulary/verb form.)
2.)    Read the dialogue.  (a 9-1-1 phone call) Then, answer the questions.
a.       What happened?
b.      Who is hurt?
c.       Where are they?
                                                               i.      Next, circle the picture that matches your answer.
3.)    Speaking/listening:  It’s an emergency!”  Find a partner.  The first person calls 9-1-1.  The second person answers.


9-1-1. What’s your emergency?
Where are you?
What’s your name?
Okay.  Stay there.  An ambulance is on its way. 

Each pair of students will have a different card with a different picture/name/address.  The students must use the card to make their conversation. 
After practicing, the groups will present their dialogues to the class.  The other students must listen and answer these questions: 
a.)    What happened?
b.)    Who is hurt?
c.)     Where are they?


********************Review/first 6-weeks placement exam (???)*****************************
The first 6-weeks placement exam is scheduled for next week (since we’ve started following the new curriculum/schedule).  In the past six weeks, we have covered the following topics:
·         Ordering food at a restaurant
·         Doing laundry, clothes for an interview
·         Taking the bus/reading bus schedules
·         Filling out forms
·         Storing food safely
·         Buying clothes:  understanding sales/discounts; finding dressing rooms; “How does it fit?”
·         Asking for/giving directions
·         Making an appointment
Grammar topics:
-Form and answer yes/no questions in the present tense
-Recognize wh- question words
-Make present tense wh- questions (with one and two verbs)
-indefinite articles (forms:  a/an/some)
-indefinite vs. definite articles (usage)
-ordinal numbers (calendars, street names, order)
-questions with “which ____/ which one”---making selections
**expressions with time/location:  “on/at/in” (Which one do I use?)
** “How about…?”  (making suggestions)

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