Monday, December 5, 2011

irregular past tense verbs: week 6

Hello again--here are the irregular past tense verbs for this week.  Based on class today, I think we will focus on these rather than the list of regular verbs I provided this morning.  (We only covered a limited number of the verbs I listed:  some new words that would be good to practice ae guess, agree, and disagree.)

We did not cover double-letters in the past tense today--we focused on y-> i and differing pronunciation (say 'ed' like "ID" before t/d, etc.).

  1. to be
  2. to go
  3. to say
  4. to tell
  5. to do
  6. to have
  7. to make
  8. to come
  9. to see
  10. to bring
  11. to think
  12. to catch
  13. to teach
  14. to get
  15. to forget
  16. to hide
  17. to find
  18. to break
  19. to write
  20. to wake
  21. to win
  22. to lose
  23. to take
  24. to sleep
  25. to wake up
  26. to give
  27. to fly
  28. to throw
  29. to wear
  30. to eat
  31. to drink
  32. to sit
  33. to stand
  34. to run
  35. to hit
  36. to read
  37. to let
  38. to cut
  39. to put
  40. to fall
Once again, I know this is a pretty extensive list--but I also know that many of them have been covered already.  I would like to see which words are already well-known among the students.  I may post a short list of irregular past tense words to practice later on.

Take care,


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