Monday, October 24, 2011

Lesson Plans: October 25, 26, 27

Hi, everyone!  For this Tuesday through Thursday, I'm just planning on reviewing the topics for the past several weeks (plus, I am reviewing irregular past tense verbs on Tuesday).  Here is a basic overview of my lessons:

Grammar review focus:  irregular past tense
Topics to review:  health/medical vocabulary
1. Reading activity:  Read the story.  In the blanks, write the verbs in the simple past.
       Yesterday, Jenny (HAVE) a bad day.  First, she WAKE UP and RUN a mile.  When she was running, she START to feel dizzy.  She GO home and EAT breakfast.  Her mother GIVE her a glass of water.  Jenny DRINK the water, but it DOES NOT HELP.  She FEEL  very sick.  She HAVE a bad stomach ache.  Her mom SEE a rash on Jenny's arm.  Then, they KNOW that Jenny HAVE allergies.  Jenny GO to the store and FIND the right medicine.  It cost $3.65.  She BUY it.  Then, she GO home and SLEEP for eight hours.  The next day, she TO BE better.

2. Writing: Is the sentence right or wrong?  Fix the sentences.
     examples:  Yesterday, the children was very tired.
                       The nurse gived me medicine and a glass of water.  I took the medicine.  I drinked the water.
                       The sick girl goed to the hospital. 

3. Listening:  Listen to the questions.  Write the answer.
     ex:  Did you eat breakfast today?  What did you eat?
            Where did you go yesterday?
            When did you come to America?

4. Speaking:  Find a partner.  Ask him/her questions.  Tell the class.
     ex:  When were you born? 
            Are you married?  When were you married?
            What did you think when you first came to America?
            What did you see this morning?


Grammar to review: answering yes/no questions; negating the simple past
Vocab focus:  describing people; countries and nationalities

1. Reading activity.:  Read the sentences.  Fill in the blanks.
ex:  George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ___(to be)_____ presidents of the United States.  George Washington ___(to be)___ the first president.  Lincoln ____(to be)____ president when America __(have)_____ slaves.

Juliette __(to be) ___ from France.  She is ____ (nationality). She ___ tall and thin.  She _____ blue eyes and she ____ seventy years old.  When she was young, she ____ long, curly blond hair.  Now, her hair ____ short and white.

Jose ___ from Mexico.  He is ___________.  Hans ___ from Germany.  He is ________.  Joy is from Japan.  She is ___________.

2.  Writing:  Answer the questions.
ex:     Who is your best friend?  When did you see him/her for the first time?  What do they look like?  What are they like?  (Describe him or her.)

3. Listening:  Listen.  Answer the questions:  1. Who was the first president of the United States?  2. When was he born?  3. What did he do? 

4.  Speaking:  Find a partner.  Ask the questions.  (I will have flashcards written out like the example below.)
  ex:  (card:  come to America---today--you)  Did you come to America today? No, I did not come to America today.  I came to America ________.


Review:  how much/how many; demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those); banking
1.  Read the sentence.  Circle the verb.  Re-write with the simple past.
  ex:  I fall and break my leg./ I go to the bank.  I write a check./ I see a movie./ I live in Canada./  "Hello," he says./  You feel dizzy.  Then, you faint.

2. How much or How many?
   _____________ does this cost?
_______________ do you weigh?
_______________ people are in your family?
______________ coffee do you want?
______________ cups of coffee did you drink?

3.  Write a sentence with the comparative or superlative.
ex:  cash---credit card---easy  (possible sentence:  Cash is easier than a credit card.)

4.  Listen to the sentence.  Where are they?
ex:  "Hello.  I want to cash a check, please." / "Ok.  Do you have an ID?"  (answer:  the bank

5. Find a partner.  Choose a card (on the card is written the name of a place:  a restaurant, a hospital, the post office, etc.).  What do you say?
ex:  DEPARTMENT STORE--  "How much does this pair of pants cost?"/ "They cost twenty dollars." ....... .......

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I forgot to mention: these lesson plans are from Justine, for the morning beginner class.
