Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, Afternoon, By Josh

I had a rather small group this Friday, just two students, which was much easier to manage. I pulled a spare keyboard from the back hallway and had one student type out some sentences on it, just to get them familiar with it, while I had the more advanced student write a couple paragraphs on the board and I corrected any mistakes I saw.

We talked about computers for a while and I learned that while our students may not have used a computer before, their children have, and have e-mails. So perhaps their children can help reinforce the computer skills they will learn in class in the future.

They also started to ask about how far it was to places like Fargo, North Dakota because they have family there, and other places spread all over the world. So that prompted a history lesson on why there are so many countries that speak English or Spanish ect. I feel sorry for those families in Fargo, What are they going to do there?

Elyse did not make it today, she was disappointed.

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