Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th, Afternoon, By Josh

Today we played with money and reviewed banking vocabulary. As well as the usual review of basic vocabulary.

Also, I conducted a small survey today, I asked the Beginner Refugees if they had used a computer, and if they have e-mail addresses. I found that the Iraqi refugees had both used a computer and have e-mail, while the Nepali Refugees had not used a computer and therefore had no e-mail. There were no Myanmar-Karen Refugees present so I do not know where they sit.

Using a computer today in America is essential for finding work, and housing, as well having the skills needed to become employed. At some point we need to address this need. The best solution may be to go to a Cleveland Public Library Branch and either hosting a class or letting the students participate in classes offered by the Library. Or perhaps there is a better solution that someone has, please comment below this post.


  1. Josh- I really liked that your tutoring coincided with Justine's lesson plan. That is exactly what I wanted to achieve from this blog. I also liked that you brought up the need for a computer skills class as it is very important in today's world. We were actually talking about this at a staff meeting the other day about how two of our refugees from Nepal were temporarily employed and they performed the tasks well but when it came in to punching something in the computer for their work they could not get the hang of it. I will look into the public library to see if they have a computer lab we can use and from there we can talk about how we would want to proceed. Thank you for your input!

    -Faten Husni Odeh

  2. Also, I just found out that Wah Moo Htto, Way Htoo, and Say Lah Doo have found temporary work so they wont be at ISC for about a month. Dah Htoo is full time employed! :) This is great news! So that is where the Karen population is.

    - Faten Husni Odeh
