Sunday, December 11, 2011

lesson plans, dec. 12, morning beginners, by Justine

Hello, everyone! 

I'm going to dedicate this week to review--we have covered many different topics and skills over the past several weeks, and I think some practice would be beneficial. 

Instead of listing my review activities, I'm leaving you a list of the topics we have covered over the past six weeks.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Grammar themes
·         Ordering food at a restaurant
·         Doing laundry, clothes for an interview
·         Taking the bus/reading bus schedules
·         Filling out forms
·         Storing food safely
·         Buying clothes:  understanding sales/discounts; finding dressing rooms; “How does it fit?”
·         Asking for/giving directions
·         Making an appointment
Grammar topics:
-Form and answer yes/no questions in the present tense
-Recognize wh- question words
-Make present tense wh- questions (with one and two verbs)
-indefinite articles (forms:  a/an/some)
-indefinite vs. definite articles (usage)
-ordinal numbers (calendars, street names, order)
-questions with “which ____/ which one”---making selections
**expressions with time/location:  “on/at/in” (Which one do I use?)
** “How about…?”  (making suggestions)

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