Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th and 30th Morning Advanced by Josh

I have started covering Intermediate Grammar Subjects in the Advanced  Class on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have spent 2 weeks on the Irregular Simple Past Tense by quizzing the students with flashcards and correcting their spoken English. This Week I am covering the Present Perfect Tense, next week I will cover the Present Perfect Continuous.

Grammar: Present Perfect Tense and Informal Spoken Contractions
Vocabulary: Job Titles
Warm Up Activity: Talk about what the students did over Thanksgiving weekend and Review from past Classes
Reading: Read from “Spotlight on the USA, Chapter 2 New England”
Listening: “VOA Special English Words and their Stories”
Speaking: Talk about Henry David Thoreau and his idea that it is a duty to do Civil Disobedience
Writing: Students will write about their past using the Simple Past, Past Continuous, and Present Perfect.
Skill: Looking for Jobs in the Newspaper / Online

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