Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lesson Plans: Nov. 14-17, Morning Beginners, by Justine

Hi, everyone!  Here are my lesson plans for next week.  Mon./Tues. will be "preparing for an interview"/ yes-no questions with "to do"/"to be."  On Wed./Thurs., we will move on to WH-questions (particularly WHEN, WHERE, HOW) and reading bus schedules/ transit directions.

***Depending on how the class is doing, I might start incorporating the past tense with the y/n questions on Mon/Tues.  Right now, though, I want to focus on when to use "do/does" and when to use "is" with y/n questions.  We have also been practicing correct answers to y/n questions. (Yes, I do. No, I don't.  Yes, I am.  No, I am not...... etc.)

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions! 

Take care,


Lesson Plans:  Nov. 14-17, 2011
Monday/ Tuesday:  “Before an interview” / yes-no questions (combine y/n questions using “do” and “to be”)
Wed./Thurs.:  Bus schedules/ transit directions/ wh-questions (What, where, when, how---I think I will just start with these four questions words for Tuesday and Wednesday—I think we’re just going to do object questions (What do you…Where do you…When do you…?) right now.  After the class is comfortable with these, I’d like to move on to subject – based questions (Which bus goes…?/ Who goes…?/ )
1.       Reading/Writing activity:  I want to give the students a worksheet with two columns.  On one side, there will be a picture of a “good example” of a job interview candidate; on the other side, a “bad example.”    Directions:  Look at the picture.  Read the questions.  Write the answer.
a.       Example:  Are her clothes clean?  Yes, they are.
                                                               i.      Does she wear a lot of jewelry? No, she doesn’t.
                                                             ii.      Is she very tired? No, she isn’t.
                                                            iii.      --- As the class progresses, I would like to include past tense y/n questions, e.g.:  Did she wash her hair with shampoo? Yes, she did.
a.       Did she put on perfume? No, she didn’t.

2.       Activity:  Look at the magazines.  Find two pictures:  who is ready for an interview?  Who is not ready?  (We will glue these onto a board to hang up in the classroom.)

3.       Listen.  Is this a good interview?  Is this a bad interview?  (For this activity, I might have the students select the words they hear from a list.)
a.       Ex:  John wears a pink shirt, jeans, and sandals.  (Bad) 

4.       Speaking:  Stand up.  Introduce yourself.  (Look up.  Shake hands.  “Hello.  Are you ____?  ….. Hello, _____, my name is ______.  Nice to meet you.”)
1.       Reading:  Read the dialogue about Dave and Mary.  Dave has an interview today.  Mary asks him questions.  She wants to make sure that he’s ready.  (It will probably look something like this: )
a.       Did you brush your teeth?    Yes, I did.
b.      Did you wash your hair today? Yes, I did.
c.       Are you tired? No, I’m not.
d.      Are your clothes clean? Yes, they are.
e.      Do you have a ride? Yes, I do.
f.        Are you ready? Yes, I am.
2.       Writing:  look at the words.  Write a question.  Then, write the answer.
a.       Ex:  you/ put on/ deodorant/
                                                                                                                                       i.      Did you put on deodorant? Yes, I did.
b.      You/have/bus pass:   
ii.                   Do you have your bus pass? Yes, I do.
3. Listening:  Listen to the conversation.  What did Jane do?  (Circle the correct answers.)  What did she forget?
1.       Look at the bus schedule.  Read the questions. Write the answers.
a.       Ex:  When does Bus 22 leave Public Square?
b.      Where does it stop at 2:30 P.M.?
c.       Terry lives in Parma.  Which bus does he take?
2.       Listen.  Two people are at a bus stop.  Answer the questions.
a.       When does Bus #35 leave?
b.      Where does the bus go?
c.       Which bus does Emily take?
3.       Speaking:  Find a partner.  Ask them questions.  Answer.
a.       Ex:  When/ Bus 35/ leave?
b.      Where/ HealthLine/ go?
c.       Which bus/ you/take

1.       Read the bus directions (I might use GoogleTransit).  Read and answer the questions.
a.        How do I get to ----?
b.      What do I do first?
2.       Listen.  Fill in the blanks.
a.       (First, walk to ___________.  Then, take bus _____ to ______.  Get off at _______.   )
3.       Speaking.  Look at the map and the directions.  Find a partner.  Ask questions.
a.       Where/city hall?  (Where is City Hall?)
b.      How/I/get there (How do I get there?)
c.       When/bus/leave (When does the bus leave?)

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