Monday, November 21, 2011

Mon. Nov. 21--Tuesday, Nov. 22--morning beginners, by Justine

Lesson Plans:  Nov. 21-23, 2011


·         ORDINAL NUMBERS (first, second, third…)


·         WH- object questions (with “do/does”)
·         WH- questions with TO BE (When is…? Who is…? What is…?)


1.       Reading/Writing: Look at the application.  Fill out the form. (I want to find a real application form, etc. to use.)
a.       Address:
                                                               i.      Street:
                                                             ii.      Apt. #:
                                                            iii.      City:
                                                           iv.      State:
                                                             v.      ZIP:
                                                           vi.      Country:
b.      Name:
                                                               i.      Last:
                                                             ii.      First:
c.       Phone number:
                                                               i.      Cell:
                                                             ii.      Home:
d.      E-mail address:
2.       Dawood is applying for a job.  He fills out an application. 
Look at the form.  Read the questions.  Write the answer. 
a.       What street does he live on?
b.      What city does he live in?
c.       What state does he live in?
d.      What is his last name?
e.      What is his home phone number?
f.        What is his e-mail address?
3.       Listen to the question.  Write the answer.  (I may use the dry-erase boards for this activity, then continue it as a speaking activity.)
a.       What city do you live in?
b.      What street do you live on?
c.       What is your street name?
d.      What is your apartment number?
e.      What is your last name?
4.       Listening/Speaking:  Find a partner.  Ask them questions.  Answer.
a.       What is your address?
b.      What street do you live on?
c.       What county do you live in?
d.      What state do you live in?
e.      What city do you live in?
f.        What is your zip code?
g.       What is your phone number?
                                                               i.      Is this your cell phone?
                                                             ii.      Is this your home phone?


1.                   Find a partner.  Read the conversation.  (Reading/speaking)
a.       “Hello.  I want to make an appointment with ___.”/ Okay.  What day?
b.      Is Saturday, the 29th okay? / I’m sorry, he’s not available.  How about Friday, the 28th?
c.       Sure./ Okay, what time?
d.      Is he free at 10:30?/ No, I’m sorry.  He’s busy until 11:00.  There is an opening at 11:15.  How about that?
e.      Perfect.  Thank you./ Great.  See you then!
2.       Answer the questions.
a.       What time is her appointment?
b.      What day is her appointment?
c.       Is the doctor free on Saturday?
3.       Listening/speaking:
Find a partner.  The first person wants to make an appointment.  The second person is the receptionist. (Present to the class)
                (The first person will have a card or paper with a list of days and times.  They must suggest days/times following the format of the dialogue in activity #1.  The “receptionist” will have a simple “calendar” with dates and openings listed.  I may set this up with colored squares, so it looks like a calendar you use when you schedule an appointment online…)
The dialogue should go something like this:

Hi.  I want to make an appointment with _____.
Okay.  What day is good for you?
How about ___, the ____?
I’m sorry, she’s busy that day.
Okay.  How about ____, the ____?
Sure.  She is free from ____ to ___.
How about _____?
Perfect.  See you then!

Switch cards with another group.  Have a new conversation.

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