Sunday, November 6, 2011

Beginner class, Mornings, by Justine: Nov. 7-10

Hello, everyone!  This week, the beginner class is going to focus on clothing vocabulary and the basic present tense.  Because the beginner students are already familiar with basic clothing vocab, I've divided the week into the following subjects:

1.) Monday:  review clothing words and colors; vocab: size; s/ m/ lg/ xl; wear; put on; try on; dressing rooms....
ALSO:  COUPONS--What is a coupon?  Where do I find coupons?  What do I do with a coupon?

Sentences to practice:  at the store
  • Excuse me.  Where are the _____? / Over here.  What size do you wear?/ I wear a ________.
  • (in the dressing room) Hi.  Can I try these on? / Sure.  How many?  / ____, please.
Tuesday: When do I wear ___? (Winter clothes/ job interview clothes)

New words: 
"too" tight; loose; long; short; wide; narrow

1. Read the sentence.  True or false?  Write the correct sentence.
Example:  Diku wears sandals in the winter.  Answer:  No, Diku does not wear sandals in the winter.  Diku wears closed shoes in the winter.
2. Listen to the sentences.  Fill in the blank spaces. ex:  Jennifer goes to the _______.  She tries on some _____ in the ______.  The pants are too _____.  She needs a size ___.  (Answers:  Jennifer goes to the store.  She tries on some pants in the dressing room.  The pants are too tight.  She needs a size 8.
3. Speaking:  Practice the sentences with a partner.  (Look at pictures on flashcards.)
            Does it fit? / No, it is too ______.
            What size do you need? / Maybe a  _9___.

Wednesday: laundry
1. Introduce "laundry" vocabulary. 
Verbs:  do laundry; wash clothes; dry clothes; iron clothes; fold clothes; hang up clothes
Nouns: washing machine; dryer; detergent; bleach; dryer sheet
Instructions:  separate colors; choose cycle (warm/hot/cold, regular/delicates, lights/darks/colors/)
1. Reading:  (I will show a picture of the dials on a washing machine and dryer.  I will bring in different examples of laundry (lights, darks, brights, etc.) and detergent.
Read and complete the sentences.

ex:  It is time to do laundry.  First, separate the light, dark, and ________ colors. Then, read the box of detergent.  How much detergent do you need for large loads? ____________  How much do you need for medium-sized loads?_________________

Next, pour the detergent into the washer.  Look for the word "detergent" on the washing machine.  Then, put in one load of laundry.  Press "REGULAR" and "START."  Wait about forty minutes.

Then, take out the wet clothes.  Put them in the dryer.  Clean the lint tray, and turn on the dryer.  Wait about an hour.

2.  For the rest of class, I would like to show the students real washing machines and have us do a couple loads of laundry together.  I talked to the check-in desk at my dorm (Fenn Tower), and I should be able to bring the students to the Fenn Tower laundry room as a group.  That way, we could all walk to Fenn Tower together--it's about a five minute walk from ISC.  I may put a load of laundry in the washer beforehand, so that we can practice using the washer and dryer without losing too much time. 

Topic:  Sewing vocabulary
Grammar focus:  Commands

1. Look at the picture.  Label the picture.  (pedal, needle, thread, pins, scissors, fabric)
2. Read the sentences.  Look at the picture.  Write the missing word.
        ex:  Give me the ________.  I need to cut the fabric.
        ex:  Put your foot on the _________.
        ex:  Please give me some __________. 
3. Speaking/listening:  (I would like to have the students practice vocab by using a real sewing machine.  Could I bring the students to the sewing room that day?  Or bring a machine into the large classroom?)

      Listening:  (I will work with students individually or in small groups while they do their writing activity.  Then, I will ask the students to follow directions.  ex:  "Give me the scissors." / "Thread the needle." / "Pin the fabric." (I want to ask someone who teaches the sewing class more about this--that way, we can use the most relevant words, etc.)  Before we do this, I want to reverse the roles and have the students practice the commands that we review in class.

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