Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mon., Oct. 31-Thursday, Nov. 3, morning beginners, by Justine

Hi everyone,

     The topics for the beginners this week will be "at the supermarket" (Mon/Tues) and "at a restaurant" (Wed/Thurs).  Grammar topics will be prepositions (on/above/below/next to), definite/indefinite articles (the/a/an/some), and amounts (a few/many/several/a lot of).

     I am going to post the vocabulary and grammar we will be working on in class rather than the specific lesson plan.  This information will be the strongest basis for my lessons, and my goal will be for each student to be able to recognize, respond to, and/or say the sentences listed here. 

(Tutors working with the beginners:  if you could review these words/etc. with them or practice the example conversations, that would be very helpful.  If you're looking for more ideas that go along with the theme, I know that the Teacher's Edition of the Basic Oxford English Picture Dictionary has some useful worksheets, etc.  I will leave this book in the "Beginner ESOL Class" cabinet in the (large) third classroom in case you want to use it.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the beginner class!)

Monday:                 AT THE SUPERMARKET

1.        CUSTOMER:      Excuse me.  Where is the______?
·         Fruit
·         Meat
·         Dairy
·         Bread
·         Cereal
·         Cash register
·         Checkout counter
2.       CUSTOMER:        Where are the_______?
·         Vegetables
·         Sweets
·         Shopping carts
·         Shopping baskets
·         Bags

o   EMPLOYEE:        
·         It is/ they are on aisle ________.           
·         It is/ they are on the top shelf.
·         It is/ they are on the bottom shelf.
·         It is/ they are next to the _______.
·         It is/ they are above the ________.
·         It is/ they are below the ­________.

3.       CUSTOMER:       Do you have _____________?

o   EMPLOYEE:         Yes.  It is/ they are on aisle _________.

o   EMPLOYEE:         No, I’m sorry.  We don’t have any.

4.       CUSTOMER:       How much does a/an_____ cost?
                                How much do _______ cost?

·         EMPLOYEE: 
o   It costs _____.
o   They cost ______ per pound.

5.       What do you want?
6.       What do we need?
MORE WORDS:  push                     carry                      weigh                    pay for                 choose/pick out                         put…in…
*****See pages 34-39 for more food words.

Wednesday:          AT A RESTAURANT

1.       CUSTOMER:       Hello.   Two, please.
2.       SERVER:               Right this way.  / Follow me.
3.       SERVER:               What do you want to drink?                    *(polite:  What would you like to drink?)
4.       CUSTOMER:       I will have _______, please.
5.       SERVER:               Ready to order?                                             * (What can I get you?)
6.       CUSTOMER:       Yes.  Can I have ______, please?
7.       SERVER:               Of course.  It that all?
8.       CUSTOMER:       I don’t know.  What kind of soup do you have?
9.       SERVER:               We have ______ and _______.
10.   CUSTOMER:       I will have __________.  Thank you.

The restrooms                   table                      booth                    waiter/waitress                                menu                    cashier


Hi. How can I help you?
For here or to go?
Do you want a drink?
Do you want fries with that?
Do you want a combo meal?
Do you want your receipt?

***** See pages 42, 43, and 45 for more words.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wedensday October 26 Advanced Morning Class by Josh

We read from the textbook about the United States about the Midwest pages 83 - 87. We got into a discussion about the difference between Counties, Cities, and neighborhoods. I also started up one of the computers in the advanced classroom and they work but I do not know if they have an Internet connection, so if anyone wants to use them in a future lesson or in the afternoon that would be great, just try to start them early because they are old and take a long time to start.

Wed., Oct. 26, morning beginner class, by Justine

I want to let you know about a slight change in the focus of my lessons for the week.  After working with the beginners yesterday morning, I think they could use more practice with the irregular forms of the simple past (was, saw, ate, drank, did, had, gave, bought...).  In order to prevent confusion, I want to continue working on this grammar concept instead of reviewing other verb tenses this week.  (I will still be using the other themes, etc. listed on my lesson plan--just changing all verb tenses to the simple past.)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, October 25

Today, we did not review health vocabulary as planned.  Instead, we spent all class reviewing irregular past-tense verbs (had, gave, drank, ate, saw, was/were...) and the following question format:

Did you see me?

No, I did not see you.
Yes, I saw you.



Monday, October 24, 2011

Lesson Plans: October 25, 26, 27

Hi, everyone!  For this Tuesday through Thursday, I'm just planning on reviewing the topics for the past several weeks (plus, I am reviewing irregular past tense verbs on Tuesday).  Here is a basic overview of my lessons:

Grammar review focus:  irregular past tense
Topics to review:  health/medical vocabulary
1. Reading activity:  Read the story.  In the blanks, write the verbs in the simple past.
       Yesterday, Jenny (HAVE) a bad day.  First, she WAKE UP and RUN a mile.  When she was running, she START to feel dizzy.  She GO home and EAT breakfast.  Her mother GIVE her a glass of water.  Jenny DRINK the water, but it DOES NOT HELP.  She FEEL  very sick.  She HAVE a bad stomach ache.  Her mom SEE a rash on Jenny's arm.  Then, they KNOW that Jenny HAVE allergies.  Jenny GO to the store and FIND the right medicine.  It cost $3.65.  She BUY it.  Then, she GO home and SLEEP for eight hours.  The next day, she TO BE better.

2. Writing: Is the sentence right or wrong?  Fix the sentences.
     examples:  Yesterday, the children was very tired.
                       The nurse gived me medicine and a glass of water.  I took the medicine.  I drinked the water.
                       The sick girl goed to the hospital. 

3. Listening:  Listen to the questions.  Write the answer.
     ex:  Did you eat breakfast today?  What did you eat?
            Where did you go yesterday?
            When did you come to America?

4. Speaking:  Find a partner.  Ask him/her questions.  Tell the class.
     ex:  When were you born? 
            Are you married?  When were you married?
            What did you think when you first came to America?
            What did you see this morning?


Grammar to review: answering yes/no questions; negating the simple past
Vocab focus:  describing people; countries and nationalities

1. Reading activity.:  Read the sentences.  Fill in the blanks.
ex:  George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ___(to be)_____ presidents of the United States.  George Washington ___(to be)___ the first president.  Lincoln ____(to be)____ president when America __(have)_____ slaves.

Juliette __(to be) ___ from France.  She is ____ (nationality). She ___ tall and thin.  She _____ blue eyes and she ____ seventy years old.  When she was young, she ____ long, curly blond hair.  Now, her hair ____ short and white.

Jose ___ from Mexico.  He is ___________.  Hans ___ from Germany.  He is ________.  Joy is from Japan.  She is ___________.

2.  Writing:  Answer the questions.
ex:     Who is your best friend?  When did you see him/her for the first time?  What do they look like?  What are they like?  (Describe him or her.)

3. Listening:  Listen.  Answer the questions:  1. Who was the first president of the United States?  2. When was he born?  3. What did he do? 

4.  Speaking:  Find a partner.  Ask the questions.  (I will have flashcards written out like the example below.)
  ex:  (card:  come to America---today--you)  Did you come to America today? No, I did not come to America today.  I came to America ________.


Review:  how much/how many; demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those); banking
1.  Read the sentence.  Circle the verb.  Re-write with the simple past.
  ex:  I fall and break my leg./ I go to the bank.  I write a check./ I see a movie./ I live in Canada./  "Hello," he says./  You feel dizzy.  Then, you faint.

2. How much or How many?
   _____________ does this cost?
_______________ do you weigh?
_______________ people are in your family?
______________ coffee do you want?
______________ cups of coffee did you drink?

3.  Write a sentence with the comparative or superlative.
ex:  cash---credit card---easy  (possible sentence:  Cash is easier than a credit card.)

4.  Listen to the sentence.  Where are they?
ex:  "Hello.  I want to cash a check, please." / "Ok.  Do you have an ID?"  (answer:  the bank

5. Find a partner.  Choose a card (on the card is written the name of a place:  a restaurant, a hospital, the post office, etc.).  What do you say?
ex:  DEPARTMENT STORE--  "How much does this pair of pants cost?"/ "They cost twenty dollars." ....... .......

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, Afternoon, By Josh

I had a rather small group this Friday, just two students, which was much easier to manage. I pulled a spare keyboard from the back hallway and had one student type out some sentences on it, just to get them familiar with it, while I had the more advanced student write a couple paragraphs on the board and I corrected any mistakes I saw.

We talked about computers for a while and I learned that while our students may not have used a computer before, their children have, and have e-mails. So perhaps their children can help reinforce the computer skills they will learn in class in the future.

They also started to ask about how far it was to places like Fargo, North Dakota because they have family there, and other places spread all over the world. So that prompted a history lesson on why there are so many countries that speak English or Spanish ect. I feel sorry for those families in Fargo, What are they going to do there?

Elyse did not make it today, she was disappointed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Elyse comes to visit!

Hello everyone,

I received a text from Elyse saying that she will be in Cleveland on Friday and wanted to see us! For those who do not know Elyse she was the person who had my job before I came. She's really great and has done so much for ISC.

I am usually subbing on Fridays so I might not be in the office. I will see Thursday night if I have an assignment and try to come in if I don't. Elyse is coming from Chicago for just a day and a half.

Let me know your thoughts so that I can notify her who will be around.

-Faten Husni Odeh

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th, Afternoon, By Josh

Today we played with money and reviewed banking vocabulary. As well as the usual review of basic vocabulary.

Also, I conducted a small survey today, I asked the Beginner Refugees if they had used a computer, and if they have e-mail addresses. I found that the Iraqi refugees had both used a computer and have e-mail, while the Nepali Refugees had not used a computer and therefore had no e-mail. There were no Myanmar-Karen Refugees present so I do not know where they sit.

Using a computer today in America is essential for finding work, and housing, as well having the skills needed to become employed. At some point we need to address this need. The best solution may be to go to a Cleveland Public Library Branch and either hosting a class or letting the students participate in classes offered by the Library. Or perhaps there is a better solution that someone has, please comment below this post.

Anna's last day

Hello everyone, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 19th is Anna's last day.

Anna has been a great ESOL teacher and she will surely be missed!!

Thank you for making a difference with our refugees and with our agency!

- Faten Husni Odeh

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tues, Oct. 18 and Thurs., Oct 20, Beginner/morning, by Justine

Hi everyone!  Here's a basic plan for my lessons this week.  Tuesday and Thursday are going to be "money/banking" themed days....  Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday: October 18, morning class
  • Vocabulary focus: "at the bank" (checking account; deposit; withdrawal; write a check; sign a check; cash a check; balance; dollars/cents)
  • Skill focus: read/write a check; fill out withdrawal/deposit forms; balance a checkbook
Description:  I have blank sample checks and blank checkbook registers to give to each student for this lesson.  After presenting/reviewing the vocabulary, I want to practice reading and writing checks and withdrawal/deposit forms.  Finally, I want to read and listen to example sentences, then fill in a checkbook register accordingly (see below).
Writing activity:  Fix the sentence.  Balance Ahamad's checkbook.
1. a checking account./opens/Ahamad.
2. one hundred/He/dollars./has
3. withdraws/He/on October 1./fifty dollars
4. on October 8./He/deposits/dollars/one hundred.
5. writes a check/ on October 22./ for ten dollars/ He
1. Listen to the sentence.  Write a check. 
2. Listen to the sentence.  Complete the form.  (example: Deposit eighty dollars./Withdraw twenty dollars.)
Speaking (work in pairs:  cashier/customer):  Description:  I have corresponding cards to give to each pair.  For example, I will give the "customer" a blank check and a card with a picture on it (example:  groceries).  The "cashier" will have a card with a price, date, and company name written on it.  The customer must ask the cashier questions in order to fill out the check.  Then, the partners will switch roles with a new set of cards.
  • Vocab focus: paying for things; counting/handling money (dollars/cents; make change; credit card; cash; check; receipt; leave a tip; pay a bill; sign a receipt)
  • Communication focus:  How much/how many? Demonstrative adjectives (possibly)
Reading activity:  with a partner, read the dialogue "At the store..."
(I may change the dialogue slightly, but it will probably look like this:
Hello.  Can I help you?  Yes, please.  How much does this shirt cost?This shirt here costs twenty dollars. How much does that shirt cost? I want that shirt.Is that all? Yes.Ten dollars and seventy-five cents. Do you take Visa?Yes.  Please sign here.  Do you want a receipt?  Yes, please. 
 That shirt there costs ten dollars. 
Writing:  What do you say?  (Write a sentence for the picture.  Possible pictures: a man paying for his meal at a restaurant; a woman signing a receipt; someone using a credit card at the supermarket)
Interaction: For this lesson, I want to bring in fake money for the students to use.  After reviewing vocabulary and reading the dialogue, I will distribute a card to each student. Most students will be 'customers': a few will be 'cashiers.' Each 'customer' card will contain a specific item and corresponding picture (example:  orange juice). Each cashier card will indicate a store and a list of prices (ex:  "supermarket:  orange juice...$3.75). 
   After reading their cards, the 'cashiers' will move to their "store" (designated by a sign hanging somewhere in the room).  Then, the customers must read their cards, find the correct cashier, and buy the item shown on their card.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

6 Weeks Placement Tests

Monday, October 17th there are 18 students who need to take the 6 weeks placement tests. They are:

  1. Ayad
  2. Lachhu
  3. Ran Maya
  4. Anthony
  5. Wah Moo Htoo
  6. Adel
  7. Ekhlas
  8. Dawood
  9. Oksana
  10. Vasyl
  11. Birka
  12. Bhim
  13. Say Lah Do
  14. Way Htoo
  15. Bhakta
  16. Tika
  17. Kausila
  18. Dah Htoo
It is all the same test so I would like those who will be taking the test to be in one classroom taking it at the same time. The other students who are not taking the test will just have regular class. See me before you administer the test so that I can go over it with you. 

Thank you,
Faten Husni Odeh


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Tomorrow, Thursday, October 13th I and Danielle will be taking a few students on a field trip to Thrift Nation.

Thrift Nation has helped furnish a lot of our refugee homes. It will be good for the refugees to know where they can go to get some things they need for a low cost.

We will be doing this trip in groups until all of our students have gone. I will be taking the company van and Danielle will be taking some students in her car. So an estimated about of ten students at a time will be going.

I plan to leave ISC at 9:30 am and be back by 12pm.

Twana will be left with the rest of the students.

- We have two students who have moved up! Wah Moo Htoo and Anthony will be moving up tomorrow!!!

- Donda will be tutoring one on one with some Matching Grant Refugees from now on.
- I have interview three potential volunteers yesterday and I will let you know how it goes. I still haven't decided on two of them.

- We have some great things happening for the future here at ISC. I'll let you know as soon as everything gets together.

- Don't forget to submit your lesson plans to Karin and I by Thursday. Karin's email address is .

Thanks for all that you do!
- Faten Husni Odeh

Monday, October 10, 2011


ISC ESOL BLOG: The new ISC ESOL blog: Please blog in your lesson plans and comments on this page from now on. We will no longer use the other blog account. - Thank you, Faten ...


Tuesday, Oct. 11, Morning/Beginner, by Justine

Hi everyone--here is a basic overview of the Morning Beginner class for Tuesday:

GRAMMAR POINT: past continuous ("I was doing") vs. simple past ("I did"

VOCAB THEME: at the doctor's office/emergency room; pp. 62-63, 75 of the Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary (red/white book)

1. READING: a dialogue of a patient and a receptionist at the ER
3. WRITING: scrambled sentences (ex: my knee/I/broke.
ex: my bike/was riding/I.)
--possible writing/speaking prompts: When did you get hurt? What were you doing?
4. LISTENING: fill in the blanks while listening to the dialogue
5. SPEAKING: in pairs, make dialogues about an emergency (doctor/patient)
6. Speaking/writing: "What do I do if...?"
(ex: My stomach hurts. (Go to school.)
I was vomiting all night. (Stay home.)
I have bad chest pain. (Call 911).

The new ISC ESOL blog

Please blog in your lesson plans and comments on this page from now on. We will no longer use the other blog account.

- Thank you,
Faten Husni Odeh