Monday, January 30, 2012

lesson plans, Jan. 30, morning beginners, by Justine

Hello, everyone!  This week I'm going to review banking vocab and info with the students.  I would also like to take them to the Federal Reserve building on Thursday morning.

Take care,

Tuesday: Jan. 30, morning class

Vocabulary focus: "at the bank" (checking account; deposit; withdrawal; write a check; sign a check; cash a check; balance; dollars/cents)
Skill focus: read/write a check; fill out withdrawal/deposit forms; balance a checkbook
Description:  I have blank sample checks and blank checkbook registers to give to each student for this lesson.  After presenting/reviewing the vocabulary, I want to practice reading and writing checks and withdrawal/deposit forms.  Finally, I want to read and listen to example sentences, then fill in a checkbook register accordingly (see below).

Writing activity:  Fix the sentence.  Balance Ahamad's checkbook.
1. a checking account./opens/Ahamad.
2. one hundred/He/dollars./has
3. withdraws/He/on October 1./fifty dollars
4. on October 8./He/deposits/dollars/one hundred.
5. writes a check/ on October 22./ for ten dollars/ He

1. Listen to the sentence.  Write a check. 
2. Listen to the sentence.  Complete the form.  (example: Deposit eighty dollars./Withdraw twenty dollars.)

Speaking (work in pairs:  cashier/customer):  Description:  I have corresponding cards to give to each pair.  For example, I will give the "customer" a blank check and a card with a picture on it (example:  groceries).  The "cashier" will have a card with a price, date, and company name written on it.  The customer must ask the cashier questions in order to fill out the check.  Then, the partners will switch roles with a new set of cards.


Vocab focus: paying for things; counting/handling money (dollars/cents; make change; credit card; cash; check; receipt; leave a tip; pay a bill; sign a receipt)
Communication focus:  How much/how many? Demonstrative adjectives (possibly)
Reading activity:  with a partner, read the dialogue "At the store..."
(I may change the dialogue slightly, but it will probably look like this:

Hello.  Can I help you?  Yes, please.  How much does this shirt cost?
This shirt here costs twenty dollars. How much does that shirt cost?
 That shirt there costs ten dollars.  I want that shirt.
Is that all? Yes.
Ten dollars and seventy-five cents. Do you take Visa?
Yes.  Please sign here.  Do you want a receipt?  Yes, please.

Writing:  What do you say?  (Write a sentence for the picture.  Possible pictures: a man paying for his meal at a restaurant; a woman signing a receipt; someone using a credit card at the supermarket)
Interaction: For this lesson, I want to bring in fake money for the students to use.  After reviewing vocabulary and reading the dialogue, I will distribute a card to each student. Most students will be 'customers': a few will be 'cashiers.' Each 'customer' card will contain a specific item and corresponding picture (example:  orange juice). Each cashier card will indicate a store and a list of prices (ex:  "supermarket:  orange juice...$3.75). 
   After reading their cards, the 'cashiers' will move to their "store" (designated by a sign hanging somewhere in the room).  Then, the customers must read their cards, find the correct cashier, and buy the item shown on their card.

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