Monday, January 30, 2012

lesson plans, Jan. 30, morning beginners, by Justine

Hello, everyone!  This week I'm going to review banking vocab and info with the students.  I would also like to take them to the Federal Reserve building on Thursday morning.

Take care,

Tuesday: Jan. 30, morning class

Vocabulary focus: "at the bank" (checking account; deposit; withdrawal; write a check; sign a check; cash a check; balance; dollars/cents)
Skill focus: read/write a check; fill out withdrawal/deposit forms; balance a checkbook
Description:  I have blank sample checks and blank checkbook registers to give to each student for this lesson.  After presenting/reviewing the vocabulary, I want to practice reading and writing checks and withdrawal/deposit forms.  Finally, I want to read and listen to example sentences, then fill in a checkbook register accordingly (see below).

Writing activity:  Fix the sentence.  Balance Ahamad's checkbook.
1. a checking account./opens/Ahamad.
2. one hundred/He/dollars./has
3. withdraws/He/on October 1./fifty dollars
4. on October 8./He/deposits/dollars/one hundred.
5. writes a check/ on October 22./ for ten dollars/ He

1. Listen to the sentence.  Write a check. 
2. Listen to the sentence.  Complete the form.  (example: Deposit eighty dollars./Withdraw twenty dollars.)

Speaking (work in pairs:  cashier/customer):  Description:  I have corresponding cards to give to each pair.  For example, I will give the "customer" a blank check and a card with a picture on it (example:  groceries).  The "cashier" will have a card with a price, date, and company name written on it.  The customer must ask the cashier questions in order to fill out the check.  Then, the partners will switch roles with a new set of cards.


Vocab focus: paying for things; counting/handling money (dollars/cents; make change; credit card; cash; check; receipt; leave a tip; pay a bill; sign a receipt)
Communication focus:  How much/how many? Demonstrative adjectives (possibly)
Reading activity:  with a partner, read the dialogue "At the store..."
(I may change the dialogue slightly, but it will probably look like this:

Hello.  Can I help you?  Yes, please.  How much does this shirt cost?
This shirt here costs twenty dollars. How much does that shirt cost?
 That shirt there costs ten dollars.  I want that shirt.
Is that all? Yes.
Ten dollars and seventy-five cents. Do you take Visa?
Yes.  Please sign here.  Do you want a receipt?  Yes, please.

Writing:  What do you say?  (Write a sentence for the picture.  Possible pictures: a man paying for his meal at a restaurant; a woman signing a receipt; someone using a credit card at the supermarket)
Interaction: For this lesson, I want to bring in fake money for the students to use.  After reviewing vocabulary and reading the dialogue, I will distribute a card to each student. Most students will be 'customers': a few will be 'cashiers.' Each 'customer' card will contain a specific item and corresponding picture (example:  orange juice). Each cashier card will indicate a store and a list of prices (ex:  "supermarket:  orange juice...$3.75). 
   After reading their cards, the 'cashiers' will move to their "store" (designated by a sign hanging somewhere in the room).  Then, the customers must read their cards, find the correct cashier, and buy the item shown on their card.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday, Jan. 17-Thursday, Jan. 19, morning beginners, by Justine

Lesson Plans:  Jan. 17-19, 2012

Grammar theme:  basic prepositions; ( also, wh- questions)

Vocab theme:  transportation

·         Location
·         Directions
·         Types of transportation
·         Understanding signs at:
o   A bus stop
o   An RTA station


·         How to buy a bus ticket/ bus pass
·         How to read a bus schedule
·         How to read a map
·         How to read directions (mapquest, google transit, etc.)
1.)    Review prepositions
a.        (between, next to, in front of,behind, across from, to the right of, to the left of…)
2.)    Explain the difference between address and location
a.       (Where is it? vs. What is the address?)
1.       Look at the picture.  Read the questions.  Write the answers.
a.       Ex:  Where is Key Bank? __________________
What is the address? ____________________

2.       Listen. Read the question. Circle the correct picture.
a.       How do I get to work? (Circle the picture:  walk          car          bus         plane     taxi)
b.      What is the address? (Circle the picture:  815 Superior Ave.  1859 Prospect Ave.         223 Euclid Ave.)
c.       Where is it? (Circle:  next to ___; across from ____; between ___ and ___)
3.       Listening/ speaking. (Each student will have a sheet of paper with a picture of a city drawn on it.  Each student will be assigned a different building.  Like a survey, the students must walk around the room and ask: -Where are you? –What’s the address?.  Then, they will write the students’ names next to the appropriate building.)
a.       Ex:  Where are you?  --In front of the library. 
b.      What’s the address?  111 Euclid Ave.
4.       Homework:  Practice.  (Where do you live? ______  What is your address? _______ Where is it? _______)

1.       Review “How do I get there?” and types of transportation.
2.       Review directions vocabulary(north/south/east/west;  left/right;           forwards/straight; back; turn; stop)
1. Look at the bus schedule.  Read the questions. Write the answers.
a.       Ex:  When does Bus 22 leave Public Square?
b.      Where does it stop at 2:30 P.M.?
c.       When does it stop at West 25th Street?

2.       Listen to the directions.  With a crayon, color a line between home and work.
3.       Cover your eyes.  Listen to the directions.  Walk.
4.       Listening/speaking.  Each student will start with a basic map.  Each student will be assigned a different “home” location on the map.  Then, they must find a partner and give directions  from “school” to their “home.”  With a crayon, the other student must trace the directions on their own sheet.
Field trip

Thursday, January 12, 2012

ISC Holiday Closing, January 16th

Hello Everyone,

The International Services Center will be closed on Monday, January 16th 2012 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.